One Sunday afternoon in January, the weather was fabulous (note the short sleeves in the pictures) and we needed a break from our apartment. So, we took a short trip to the
La Brea Tar Pits. The tar pits are located in the middle of Los Angeles and trapped many animals during the Ice Age. Their bones are perfectly preserved and have been (and are being) excavated by scientists. You can see where they are still excavating, and they have various statues of animals coming thru the tar pits to recreate the scene for you. The smell is well...asphalty...but there's a nice path to stroll along and a well-shaded park area. You do have to be careful in the grass though because apparently new pits continue to pop up. There are also several museums around that go into more detail, but we were too cheap to pay for admittance. Plus, you get a basic understanding of the site by reading the markers along the trail.
This was a scuplture garden around the tar pits.

We are both "thinking outside the box"....cheesy, I know!

The wooly mammoth trying to escape the tar.

Joel, the tree hugger