Saturday, July 17 - We decided on Friday night that Sarah, Lance, dad and David would head out to Huntington Beach mid-morning. My mom and I stayed back with the boys to clean a bit, get the last bit of laundry done, suitcases together, etc. and then we'd come shortly after lunch. We headed out a little later than planned, but otherwise, it worked out well. From all reports, Lance had a great (and slightly painful) day of surfing and David caught some waves, too. Sarah and my dad had fun boogie-boarding when they weren't getting pounded by the huge waves.
By the time we arrived with the boys, they could hardly get their feet wet because the waves were just a little too big. But, they had fun digging, as always, running around and chasing birds. We lasted only a couple of hours and by then, the first crew was especially ready to go.
Silas is checking out the waves
Joel - all wrapped up!
Fun times on the beach with Papa and LeLe
We headed over to our hotel for a quick pre-dinner swim. My mom picked up some puddle jumper life jackets for the boys and they were awesome! The boys had a great time cruising around the hotel pool but it was getting late and we had a big day planned for Sunday so we didn't stay in the pool long. Because of the time, we stopped in at Pei Wei for a quick meal. It's one of the boys' favorite places. They love the chicken lo mein, the oranges that I'm sure are there for drinks rather than for a snack, playing with the chopsticks (until Silas pinched his finger!) and of course, the fortune cookies. David and I took the boys back to the hotel and my parents took Sarah and Lance over to Downtown Disney. Apparently, they had a great time trying on hats
Meanwhile, we got the boys in their beds and then our fun night began. They've been getting over a cold and Joel, especially, had a little cough. It quickly got worse when he laid down and suddenly he had vomited - everywhere! All over the sheets, his pajamas, the comforter, etc. He was so sad. We knew he wasn't really sick but it was gross. (All of the last 2 sentences are completely second hand. David had it mostly cleaned up by the time he stepped next door to wake me up and ask for help. What a guy!) We got new sheets and Joel wanted me to sleep next to him. It took him until almost 3:00 am to finally give it up. And then, welcome to the world o' coughing, Silas! Silas coughed off and on for the next few hours. David put him in bed with us for a bit and that seemed to calm him down. He finally crashed again about 5:30...It was a short night, but we survived. Thank goodness, because we were really excited about....
Sunday, July 18, 2010 - DISNEYLAND! Joel was up by 7:30, even with such a crazy night. So, we all got ready to go and we were out the door by 8:30. We got to Disneyland and Joel was so excited. (Silas didn't really have a clue about all the fun he was about to experience!) We parked and rode the tram over to the park. It didn't take long, but by the time we got to the park and got inside, the boys were confused and anxious and their lack of sleep was already starting to show.
Jungle Cruise - I saw that the Jungle Cruise was just around the corner so we ran over there. We got there just in time and the boys loved it. They were very interested in all of the animals and we only got sprayed just a bit by the elephants.
First ride at Disneyland!
About to get on the boat
Checking out the elephants
Buzz Lightyear Asto Blasters - We rode this a couple of times. The boys loved it and we liked it too. The first time we walked in and saw the Buzz statue, Joel was in awe! They both liked shooting at the targets and Silas especially loved spinning the cars around.
Getting ready to defeat the Evil Emperor Zurg!
After the Jungle Cruise we headed over to Tomorrowland and found the rides over there. I feel like we spent a majority of our time in this part of the park.
Astor Orbiter - Joel was SO excited to ride on the rockets. He wanted to fly high the whole time and I think that riding this ride is when he really started to enjoy Disneyland. Silas liked it too! But, he and LeLe stayed lower to the ground most of the time. David and I squeezed into a rocket together. We decided maybe we should have taken our own, but it was still fun. We were up high most of the time so at the end, I thought we'd go down, just to check things out. :) I'm not sure if it was the weight of both of us in the rocket or what, but going so much lower made it feel like we were going substantially faster. So weird but it definitely made us laugh!
Papa and Joel ready for blast-off!!!
Silas and LeLe getting ready to ride the rockets
This was also our last ride of the night. Joel and David took one more spin right before left the midnight!
All systems ready!
Autopia - Joel was so excited to drive a car. They handed out driver's licenses to each of us and he was very proud. My mom and I rode together and apparently I am not a good driver. At one point, our car just stopped on the track and no matter how hard I pushed the pedal, it would not move. Randomly, it just started up again. What we all wanted to know was when they are going to turn this ride into Radiator Springs from the movie, Cars. I mean seriously! Who wouldn't love driving Sally or Mater by Flo's for a quart or over to get new tires from Luigi and Guido?
Joel showing Aunt Sarah his official license
Apparently Lance has road rage
We even have the sticker to prove it!
While we rode Space Mountain, my parents stayed back with Silas in the stroller. Then it was their turn. While we waited on them, we found an arcade that had Guitar Hero so Joel and David had a mini jam session. Joel was hilarious. He loved playing guitar with daddy.
Look at that concentration
Meanwhile, David and I hit the park to see how many rides we could do while they were gone.
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - David and I liked this little coaster a lot. It's fun and fast but not rough or overly exciting. It's just a little bit too short for me, but it's a fun one nonetheless. We rode with Lance and Sarah which was a nice surprise since we had split up before lunch.
Riding the coaster
Who's that crazy lady in the back?
Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoes - Looking for a way to cool off a bit, we thought we'd check out the canoes. It was a little silly, but we piled into the canoes and started rowing. While certainly not the most exciting ride of the day, it was very relaxing to paddle along the "river" and just enjoy a little bit of scenery with David.
Indiana Jones Adventure - This was the only ride that I knew Joel was too short to ride so I definitely wanted to do this one while he was gone. We really enjoyed this one. It was not at all what I expected, but still fun. Of course I had to close my eyes during the snake room and David may or may not have closed his eyes, too....
Matterhorn Bobsleds - Let the record show that I do not enjoy bobsleds. Six Flags Over Texas has a bobsled ride that I passionately hate and refuse to ride ever again. (Ok, ask me in a few years when Joel and Silas talk me into it....) So, I wasn't sure what to expect. David and I decided to share a car and I'm not sure that was the best plan. It wasn't so much the space as much as I had no where to hold on to and brace myself. I was flying back and forth into David the whole time but it ended up being pretty fun. We had a few extra minutes before the boys got back to the park and we ended up riding it a second time. We were planning to ride separately the second time but it didn't work out that way. The second time I was a little more prepared for it though and I don't think I caused David too much pain
Splash Mountain - We were getting in line at Splash Mountain when I saw a little sign that said, "Single Rider Line at the Ride Exit." The wait was a bit long so we thought we'd check out the single rider line. Great find! We didn't get to ride together, but we only waited about 5 minutes before we got to go. I ended up in the second seat of the train but there was no one in the front. There were only two other people behind me. The ride operator made some smart remark about how drenched I would be, as I was now in front. Oddly enough though, I really didn't get all that wet. It was a nice way to cool off. We got done and decided we'd ride again. This time, I ended up in a train with a lot of big guys. I was in the middle so I didn't think too much about it. By the time I got back, I was SOAKED. My shorts were dripping wet! I don't know if it was the extra weight or what, but I was so wet. It was really funny!
Disneyland Railroad - My parents got back with the boys and we decided to ride the train over to Toon Town. Well, it ended up going the wrong direction, but it was still a nice ride.
Mickey's House - We finally made it to Toon Town and we headed over to Mickey Mouse's house. Joel was so excited. He had been asking where Mickey lived all day so he was really happy to get to see the house. He thought the gloves in the washer were really funny and he wanted to lay on Pluto's bed. At the back of the house, we even got to meet Mickey. Despite my concerns about Joel's reaction to a larger than life Mickey, he did great. He gave Mickey hugs and high-fives and was just so happy! He was very confused why Mickey couldn't talk but despite the language barrier, Mickey answered all of Joel's questions. :) Silas thought Mickey was crying but not really interested in standing up there without mommy or daddy.
Joel refused to smile, but believe me, he was on cloud nine!
He wouldn't leave the stage when Papa and LeLe got up there so he stayed in their picture, too!
After we toured the inside, we were checking things out around the outside of the house. This is Mickey's mailbox.
And this is, quite possibly, my favorite picture of Silas of all time!
Goofy's Barnstormer Roller Coaster - I was really excited for the boys to ride this coaster because I thought Silas was tall enough to ride. He was maybe two hairs short but the attendant said no. He cried as my mom took him to the side. Joel really liked the little coaster though and had a good time. It was small and therefore pretty short so he was disappointed for it to be over so fast. Next time,'ll be ready!
Waiting in line, playing with dad's hair
Getting ready to enter............the mouth of the whale!
By this time, we decided we should grab a bite to eat and get ready to watch Fantasmic and the nightly fireworks show.

Watching Fantasmic!
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage - We tried all day to ride this but the lines were always too long. We finally went back to ride it and it had been shut down. We weren't sure if it would reopen. It finally reopened during the Fantasmic show so we ran over to get in line. Joel was so funny when he found out it was open. We finally got on and the ride itself was just ok. But, the boys were SO excited to see Nemo and that's all that really mattered.
While we waited in line, the nightly fireworks started. They were a little loud so Joel covered both of our ears. It was really sweet and a little bit uncomfortable.
Cover your ears!
The submarine face, apparently!
By this time, it was late, like 10:00. The boys were crashing so we asked Joel if he wanted to ride one more ride. He said, "the rocket". The fast rocket or the rocket that goes up high? The fast rocket...with the stars in the dark. to space mountain we went! There was a mini-concert going on so the boys danced the whole way over. It was so cute!
Sometimes the rhythm just gets ya!
The ride was closed when we got there but it opened up just minutes after we walked away so we (along with half the park) ran up the entrance to get in line. We really didn't wait that long and Joel got to go a second time. He loved it just as much the second time!
One thing I really wanted was to have the boys' silhouettes cut out in a shop on Main Street. I was so glad they were still open so late. She did Joel's and it looked great! Silas was sound asleep by this time so she did his from the stroller. I had no idea how they did these before we went in there. It was pretty amazing. She literally looked at their profiles and hand cut it with scissors. I had no idea! Anyway, Joel's was great but when David brought Silas' to me, I was less than impressed. So, bashfully, I went back and asked if she would redo it. This time I woke him up (what a mean momma!) and held him in my lap. That made a huge difference and I am so proud of them. I love their little profiles and am so glad to have those captured!
Silas was sound asleep....
By this time, we decided we'd just wait for Lance and Sarah to finish up their last ride so that's when David and Joel rode the Astro Orbitor one more time. It was a great way to end the day. LeLe let the boys pick out a toy. Joel wanted a Buzz Lightyear, of course, and Silas ended up with an Astro Blaster. We headed back to the tram and Joel literally slept standing up while we moved him on to the tram. It was really funny!
Monday, July 18, 2010 - We woke up pretty early and headed over for breakfast with Mickey and friends!
Joel and Silas hanging out with Goofy
When we first got there, they ushered us over to take pictures with Mickey. Joel was so excited and could barely wait his turn. When we finally got up there, he had many questions for Mickey and gave Mickey so many hugs! When we got done with pictures, they seated us at our table and Joel was very confused. We told him we were going to have breakfast with Mickey. In his literal interpretation, he thought Mickey was going to sit and eat with us. He was sorely disappointed but bounced back quickly! Soon, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck and Pluto came out to join us.
Seeing Mickey Mouse again!
Hanging out with Minnie
Silas really liked grabbing all of the characters' noses and saying, "NOSE!" really loud. It was pretty funny.
Silas grabbing noses
LeLe and Silas catching a wave
At one point, Joel asked Minnie where Daisy was and she, using only hand gestures, answered him and he was satisfied. Mickey Mouse stayed at the front of the restaurant the whole time so he could take pictures with each of the parties as they arrived. Joel was fascinated and kept going up there so he could slip in when there was a lull. He gave lots of hugs and high-fives. Daisy Duck was especially partial to Lance. She snuck up on him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
Joel and Daisy
As Joel will tell you, Minnie gave him a kiss on the cheek!
Hugs from Minnie for Joel and Silas
Hugs and High fives...or fours
Sarah laughing at my dad who kept cutting Lance's head off in the typical of my dad's photography skills!
LeLe making Silas laugh
We were all so sad that David had to work and missed out on the fun. The food was actually really good, much better than a character dinner we went to at DisneyWorld a few years ago. After a quick stop in the gift shop, we headed back home so we could start packing.
Tuesday, July 19, 2010 - Lance left early Tuesday morning and my mom and I got up and headed to the store. I was responsible for all the snacks for our mission trip to San Francisco so we hit up Target and then ran a few errands. We took Corner Bakery home for lunch and finished packing a few things before we were off to LAX. The boys were really sleepy because this was right during their usual nap time but we made it in pretty good time. While we were standing at the counter to check them in, Silas lost it. Joel sweetly leaned over and said, "It's ok, Guywus. I sing to you." He sang Silas' song of choice these days, "Behold! Behold! I stand at the door and knock, knock, knock...." and Silas calmed right down. I'm so thankful for how much they love and care for each other...most of the time! :) We went up the elevator to security and it was time to say good-bye. Joel told me he wouldn't cry and he didn't! I watched as they headed off thru the metal detectors and they did great. My parents said they were great travelers and such big boys. It was sad to see them go but I knew they were in the best hands!
I headed back to Pasadena and hit some pretty heavy traffic. I stopped by Von's when I got back to Pasadena to pick up a few more things for the trip and then met David at home. We enjoyed a quiet evening...a nice meal at Carmine's and then a furious evening of packing and cleaning before we were off early the next morning for San Francisco!