Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It is official! We have now survived our first California earthquake. The shaking started at 11:42 a.m. and only lasted for 10-15 seconds. David was home and he grabbed Joel while I practiced my duck and cover technique. I never used it for a toronado in my 26 years as a Texan but have already put it to use in my 2 years as a Californian. Not a single thing fell off shelves or the walls. We did have a few dvd cases fall over on a bookshelf but no big deal. The quake originated near Chino Hills, which is east of us and had a magnitude of 5.4. We are ok and trying to resume normal life again. Our cell phones were out for a little while but the phone and internet never had any interruption. It definitely makes me thankful that it wasn't worse and is a good reminder to make sure we always have an emergency kit ready to go.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Happy Birthday, Joel!
One year ago today, you entered this world kicking and screaming. You were plucked from my womb and you weren't sure how you felt about this new world. You started moving immediately...arms and legs kicking and waving...and you haven't stopped moving since then.
Joel, you are curious and active. You are an explorer who knows no fear. You love to eat and as long as we keep you fed, you are pretty much just happy to be alive. You like to look at books and you love your baby Belle stuffed dog. You love being outside and you love the beach. You like dogs and you love watching other kids playing. Someday, buddy, you can run and play with all the other kids. You are a rough and tumble boy who knows how to give the best hugs and the sweetest kisses.
You have learned so much in your first year. You learned how to roll-over, how to sit all by yourself, how to scoot around, and how to push up on all fours. Then you learned how to crawl, how to pull yourself up, how to walk, and now, you are running! You learned how to nurse, how to drink from a bottle, how to eat from a spoon, how to drink from a cup, and now, how to eat with your hands. You learned how to smile, how to laugh, how to wave good-bye, how to clap your hands, and how to blow kisses.
Joel, you are the joy and light of my life. You have shown me how to love so much more deeply than I ever knew possible. To see you laugh and grow and learn is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Thank you for letting me be your Mommy. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of your life.
Always and forever,
One year ago today, you entered this world kicking and screaming. You were plucked from my womb and you weren't sure how you felt about this new world. You started moving immediately...arms and legs kicking and waving...and you haven't stopped moving since then.
Joel, you are curious and active. You are an explorer who knows no fear. You love to eat and as long as we keep you fed, you are pretty much just happy to be alive. You like to look at books and you love your baby Belle stuffed dog. You love being outside and you love the beach. You like dogs and you love watching other kids playing. Someday, buddy, you can run and play with all the other kids. You are a rough and tumble boy who knows how to give the best hugs and the sweetest kisses.
You have learned so much in your first year. You learned how to roll-over, how to sit all by yourself, how to scoot around, and how to push up on all fours. Then you learned how to crawl, how to pull yourself up, how to walk, and now, you are running! You learned how to nurse, how to drink from a bottle, how to eat from a spoon, how to drink from a cup, and now, how to eat with your hands. You learned how to smile, how to laugh, how to wave good-bye, how to clap your hands, and how to blow kisses.
Joel, you are the joy and light of my life. You have shown me how to love so much more deeply than I ever knew possible. To see you laugh and grow and learn is the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Thank you for letting me be your Mommy. I'm so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of your life.
Always and forever,
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Super Bowl
In February, my brother and sister-in-law graciously invited us (and the rest of our family) to attend Super Bowl XLII in Glendale, AZ, even Joel got a ticket. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we had so much fun (even though it didn't quite turn out how we would have liked)! I think Joel and my nephew Jaxon were the two youngest fans there. They did so great! Everyone who saw them wanted to stop and say hello. Before the game, they had an area called the NFL Experience set up. There were all kinds of football drills you could participate in...throwing, receiving, and running. David (my hubby), Sarah (my sister) and I had fun competing against each other. It also included headless mannequins dressed in the uniforms of all the NFL teams that you could stand behind and take pictures and an area of NFL memorabilia and facts. It was a great place to pass the time before the game. The pre-game show with Alicia Keys was amazing and I heard the half-time show was pretty spectacular, with Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers. (I took Joel for a diaper change during half-time and missed almost the whole show.) We had a fantastic time spending the weekend with my family and hanging out in Scottsdale. Here are some of my favorite pics.
The Thomas clan
(less David T who was with the team, of course)
The Thomas clan
(less David T who was with the team, of course)
Inside the stadium...it was pretty cool and though our seats were high, they gave a great view of the field
Friday, March 28, 2008
La Brea Tar Pits
One Sunday afternoon in January, the weather was fabulous (note the short sleeves in the pictures) and we needed a break from our apartment. So, we took a short trip to the La Brea Tar Pits. The tar pits are located in the middle of Los Angeles and trapped many animals during the Ice Age. Their bones are perfectly preserved and have been (and are being) excavated by scientists. You can see where they are still excavating, and they have various statues of animals coming thru the tar pits to recreate the scene for you. The smell is well...asphalty...but there's a nice path to stroll along and a well-shaded park area. You do have to be careful in the grass though because apparently new pits continue to pop up. There are also several museums around that go into more detail, but we were too cheap to pay for admittance. Plus, you get a basic understanding of the site by reading the markers along the trail.
This was a scuplture garden around the tar pits.

We are both "thinking outside the box"....cheesy, I know!
The wooly mammoth trying to escape the tar.

Joel, the tree hugger
This was a scuplture garden around the tar pits.

We are both "thinking outside the box"....cheesy, I know!

The wooly mammoth trying to escape the tar.

Joel, the tree hugger

Catching Up
Since it's been a while since my last post, I thought I would catch everyone up on our adventures so far in 2008. Enjoy!
Joel will by typing along as well.....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Quick Stat Check
Joel had his 9 month old check up today. He's a growing boy! He weighed 22 lbs. 11 oz. (80th percentile) and is 29.5" tall (90th percentile). The pediatrician said that he's looking great!
I'll try to post some pics and updates of our recent travels soon.
I'll try to post some pics and updates of our recent travels soon.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Reckless Abandon
Joel loves life. He loves playing. He loves eating. He loves exploring. He loves finding new things. He loves recognizing familiar things. He loves people. He just loves life. (Ok, he doesn't like going to sleep...but I do think he loves sleeping.) I love watching him live this way. If you set him on the ground, he doesn't sit still for more than a few seconds. He's off to the races to find the closest toy, the nearest magazine he can destroy or the forbidden cord we've left sticking out somewhere. And he doesn't want to be confined. He's perfectly happy in a room....until you shut the door. It's like he immediately knows that he's trapped....not that he necessarily wants to leave, but he knows that he can't if he decided he wanted to. He lives with a reckless abandon to experience every moment to the fullest. As his mother, it is definitely exhausting and yet, there is just something fascinating about watching him live with such abandon.
When do we lose that? When we do grow out of it? Obviously there is a point that we must learn to limit our risks or no one would survive over the age of 5, but when does that happen?
Do we fall one too many times? Are we hurt just one time too many? I don't know...but I wonder. Obviously, there are some boundaries that must be tested and then the line is drawn. We learn that if something is hot, not to touch it or it will burn our hand. But at the same time, how many lines we do draw around ourselves that keep us from living life to the fullest?
Watching Joel, I think he knows that we are going to protect him. When he crawls off the table at the doctor's office reaching for a toy, I am there to catch him. He knows that David or I will be there to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself. I think that's the reason he can live with so much reckless abandon....he trusts us completely to take care of him. He believes that we will be there to protect him so he just plows on, full steam ahead.
I think that is how God wants me to trust him. He has set a life before me and He is longing for me to stop questioning, stop looking around to make sure everything is safe, and just live. To trust Him with my everything and know that He has me in His arms, that He wants nothing but the best for me.
Now, I know that this life is not always hunky-dory. Even Joel has a small bruise on his forehead to prove that. (He's still learning to gauge just how close he has to be before he can pull himself up on the chair, the cube, the door facing, whatever's close by....) I know that there are times of learning in my life...times when I know God is watching, but He's letting me learn a few things on my own. And that's such an important time of growth. At the same time, in times of learning and times of action, that I know He is longing for me to step out and try something new...push myself to the next limit....live my life with same reckless abandon as my precious 8.5 month old, knowing that His arms will not let me fall too far or too hard.
Ahhh...the lessons of a child...
When do we lose that? When we do grow out of it? Obviously there is a point that we must learn to limit our risks or no one would survive over the age of 5, but when does that happen?
Do we fall one too many times? Are we hurt just one time too many? I don't know...but I wonder. Obviously, there are some boundaries that must be tested and then the line is drawn. We learn that if something is hot, not to touch it or it will burn our hand. But at the same time, how many lines we do draw around ourselves that keep us from living life to the fullest?
Watching Joel, I think he knows that we are going to protect him. When he crawls off the table at the doctor's office reaching for a toy, I am there to catch him. He knows that David or I will be there to make sure that he doesn't hurt himself. I think that's the reason he can live with so much reckless abandon....he trusts us completely to take care of him. He believes that we will be there to protect him so he just plows on, full steam ahead.
I think that is how God wants me to trust him. He has set a life before me and He is longing for me to stop questioning, stop looking around to make sure everything is safe, and just live. To trust Him with my everything and know that He has me in His arms, that He wants nothing but the best for me.
Now, I know that this life is not always hunky-dory. Even Joel has a small bruise on his forehead to prove that. (He's still learning to gauge just how close he has to be before he can pull himself up on the chair, the cube, the door facing, whatever's close by....) I know that there are times of learning in my life...times when I know God is watching, but He's letting me learn a few things on my own. And that's such an important time of growth. At the same time, in times of learning and times of action, that I know He is longing for me to step out and try something new...push myself to the next limit....live my life with same reckless abandon as my precious 8.5 month old, knowing that His arms will not let me fall too far or too hard.
Ahhh...the lessons of a child...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I can't believe it's 2008. You know what they say....time flies when you are having fun. It's been a while since I posted, and I have vowed that I will be more diligent in posting this year. I'm not promising much, but my goal is to post at least once a month. We'll see how that goes....
Joel is changing as fast as ever. He started crawling in mid-December and now he's pulling up everywhere. He hasn't gotten brave enough to stand on his own yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. He's still battling an upper respiratory infection that he's had since Christmas, but I think we are on the homestretch now. The worst part is that our poor little man has to endure breathing treatments three times a day. It's not fun for him or for us, but they really do help so much.
We had a great Christmas. Joel and I were in Texas for several weeks and loved seeing so many of our friends and family. David joined us about halfway through our stay and boy were we happy to see him. Joel's first Christmas was really amazing minus being sick. He loved the paper and the shiny bows, and we were all completely blessed by the presents we received.
Now, we are back in California and back to work. Life is slowly becoming normal again with routines and responsibilities but I hope that 2008 is anything but mundane. Life was meant to be lived not survived and that's my resolution for 2008....not to just survive 2008 but to really live it.
Blessings to you and yours in this new year!
I can't believe it's 2008. You know what they say....time flies when you are having fun. It's been a while since I posted, and I have vowed that I will be more diligent in posting this year. I'm not promising much, but my goal is to post at least once a month. We'll see how that goes....
Joel is changing as fast as ever. He started crawling in mid-December and now he's pulling up everywhere. He hasn't gotten brave enough to stand on his own yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. He's still battling an upper respiratory infection that he's had since Christmas, but I think we are on the homestretch now. The worst part is that our poor little man has to endure breathing treatments three times a day. It's not fun for him or for us, but they really do help so much.
We had a great Christmas. Joel and I were in Texas for several weeks and loved seeing so many of our friends and family. David joined us about halfway through our stay and boy were we happy to see him. Joel's first Christmas was really amazing minus being sick. He loved the paper and the shiny bows, and we were all completely blessed by the presents we received.
Now, we are back in California and back to work. Life is slowly becoming normal again with routines and responsibilities but I hope that 2008 is anything but mundane. Life was meant to be lived not survived and that's my resolution for 2008....not to just survive 2008 but to really live it.
Blessings to you and yours in this new year!
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