Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Live Moore Life

Sunday, July 11, 2010 - We woke up this morning and got ready for church and headed out. The boys went to the nursery and we enjoyed worshipping with Lynn and Jill. Joel did substantially better this week because he got a donut first. We were talking later about how Silas cried a bit (just a bit but quite loudly, apparently) and Joel told us, "Guy-wus didn't get a donut." Of course! That's what makes everything better!
After church, we headed over to the Hill Street Cafe in La Canada for breakfast. We've found that their breakfast/brunch is really good, but their lunch/dinner is just eh. We hurried home to get the boys down for their nap and I returned to church for a VBS meeting. Lynn and Jill were headed down to San Diego for a couple of days before heading back to Texas. They headed out after we all got in a nice Sunday afternoon nap. After such a fun week, we were sad to see them go!

Monday, July 12, 2010 -  Monday morning I woke up with a nasty cold. Not much fun! I did get the boys loaded up and we made a quick stop at Target and then Sonic.

Funny story...We were in Target (one that we don't got to often) and were in the toy section. We were walking around and turned down an aisle where you could see the toys down that aisle as well as down some other aisles that were running the opposite direction. Joel, eyes as round as saucers, loudly exclaimed, "Oh.....my......good....ness!!!! Dat's a lot a toys, Momma!" It was so adorable and so honest. It was a moment that I will always remember!

We came home and I crashed! Unfortunately, I didn't make it to VBS for the first day. David took Joel and from the reports...he had a hard time. We weren't sure what that meant, but from what I gathered later, he basically cried the whole time. Yikes!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010 - I felt a lot better on Tuesday. Unfortunately, our refrigerator did not. We called the appliance repair man and over $300 later, we have a working fridge. That's more than we paid for it on craigslist a year ago. But, when we weighed the option of fixing it vs. getting a brand new one (over $1,000 for a similar model or the time/hassle of finding another one on craigslist), we opted to fix it. Hopefully we made the right choice!

Finally, I was able to got VBS tonight. What a great, but exhausting time! I loved seeing all of the sweet kiddos! I was a co-leader for the 3 year old class. We had almost twenty 3-year-olds running around. So fun but so much energy! Joel did much better and even went off and played without me some. I loved watching him sing all the songs...he knew them really well and is not afraid to sing L-O-U-D!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - Happy 18 months, Silas! And for your special day, I will take you to get 2 shots! What a present! :) I took the boys for Silas' 18 month check. He weighed 29 lbs and was 34" tall(95th and 99th percentiles, respectively). Dr. Chapman said he looked great and is right on track or ahead of all the development milestones. His little vocabulary has just grown by leaps and bounds. The only negative part of the appointment was the wait for the shots. We waited easily over 40 minutes from the time the doctor left to when the nurse finally came back in for shots. (Joel had to get one, too.) I tried all of my tricks but by that point, it was almost lunch time and I was almost out! We finally made it out of there but by then, I knew I was getting a migraine. Yikes! David came home to feed the boys and put them down for their naps and then came home early while I literally slept the day away. This meant that Joel had to go to VBS alone again. I told him to sing so loud that I could hear him. David said that he cried when he dropped him off again. When he got home, I asked him if he cried. He told me, "I cried just a wittle bit, just a wittle bit." He also asked me, "Momma, I ging (sing) woud (loud)! Momma, did you hear me?" So adorable!

Thursday, July 15, 2010 - I woke up feeling a little better by not 100%. Katie and Eli came over to stay with Silas while Joel and I went to pick up Papa, LeLe and Aunt Sarah! We hit a little traffic going but some major traffic (as well as an unintended detour) coming home so it took a little longer than expected. Katie said that at one point, she read to Silas for about 45 minutes. He really is a book worm! When we got back home, I went back to bed while my parents and Sarah took the boys to Target and then McDonald's for lunch. It was some much needed rest for me. When I woke up later that afternoon, I felt almost normal again. I decided to try VBS again so Joel and I were off. Joel did pretty well but he was still a bit clingy. He found a flag during the "games time" and kept wanting everyone else to race so he could wave the flag like they do to start a car race. He sang his songs very loudly again! He loves all of the hand motions that go along. The funny thing is that he won't sing them anywhere by VBS. He tells me that we can only sing them at "school". Ok, sweetie...if you say so! Sadly, he was a little rowdy at the end and as we were leaving. I think he's just had so much going on over the last few weeks. Lance also came in a little bit later in the evening. We're excited to show him all around Pasadena and Los Angeles!

Friday, July 16, 2010 - I woke up feeling a little better this morning but not 100%. So, my parents, Sarah, Lance and the boys headed out to introduce Lance to Hollywood. I finished my work and then was able to rest and get a few things done around the house. They walked down Rodeo Drive, hit up Niketown, ate pizza at Rustica Pizza and checked out the Kodak Theater and Grauman's Theatre. The boys had a great time and crashed when they got home. We also had our last night of VBS at church. Sarah and Lance weren't all that interested in hanging around so they went to the Americana to eat at The Cheesecake Factory and walk around while the rest of us headed to church. I sat with our little 3 year old class, but even my own 3-year-old wouldn't sit next to me. He ended up staying with David through most of the program. It was pretty hot and there were lots of people and so many things going on that I think the little ones just got overwhelmed.. But, it was nice to meet some of the parents and was good closure to VBS. They had a great carnival afterwards but Joel and Silas were exhausted so we headed home pretty quick. We had a big weekend ahead of us, which is why this post is so late!

Also, if you're wondering where the pictures are, so am I! I just felt so awful this week that I took only a handful of pictures. Sorry!


ben wideman said...

LB - it sounds like you go to Sonic quite often. Neither Meredith nor I have ever been, and we feel like we need to experience it at some point - plus a meal out where the baby can stay in her carseat sounds pretty sweet.

So where is the nearest one??

Leah Beth said...

Hi Ben - They opened a new one out in Duarte. Take the Mountain exit and turn left on Mountain. Turn right on Huntington and it's in front of the Target. The service is leisurely paced but we loved Sonic in Texas and really missed it, so it's worth the drive and the sometimes questionable service. Plus, like you said, the kids stay in their seats! Enjoy!

ben wideman said...

Ah, thanks for the inside scoop! We'll have to go check it out.

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