Thursday, June 23, 2011

How do you measure, measure 10 years?

10 years
4,017 days
96,408 hours
5,784,480 minutes
347,068,800 seconds
2 kids
1 dog
5 apartments
2 houses
2 states
7 cars
1 trip to Hawaii
2 Super Bowls
2 Rose Bowls
2 churches
1 mission trip
3 degrees
1,000,000 tears
2,000,000 laughs
1 love of a lifetime

Happy 10th Anniversary, David!
You are my best friend and I'm thankful to share every season of love with you.

Here's to many more years together!


ben wideman said...

10 years??? Oh my. Here is to many more!

Kelly Efurd Lawson said...

Happy Anniversary! What a fun day that was... a HOT day, but a FUN day! Congrats you guys.

Ann Duran said...

It was a beautiful day!! Congratulations! Love you, Ann

Brittany said...

Found your blog through Blue Eyed Bride about boys.

As a mom of 2 boys, I can soo relate;)

Happy 10 year anniversary:))))))))))))

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers