Saturday, November 6, 2010

Forbidden Fruit

A quick tale….

It all started a few weeks ago when one morning, the boys mysteriously disappeared. The house was eerily quiet, which in this house usually equals trouble. Suddenly, I heard the undeniable crinkle of a bag of chips.....under Silas' bed! I went in, lifted the bed skirt, and oh yes, there were the two adorable munchkins chomping down on some off-limits tortilla chips. I could hardly keep from laughing but tried to be as stern as possible. Did I mention it was like 9:00 in the morning?

Since that day, we have found them eating donuts (stolen off the table, Silas chose a cake or old-fashioned and Joel went with the ever popular iced with sprinkles), potato chips, graham crackers, veggie chips, goldfish, strawberries (that were apparently there from before David left for work until after their naps), and grapes.

So the moral of this story is….if you can’t find the Moore boys or you’re missing some food, look under the bed.

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