Sunday, November 7, 2010


A few of the funny things that Silas has been saying lately. Some of these you probably can't fully appreciate without the sound effects, but I know that in 10 years, all I'll have to do is hear the story and I'll know in my heart how their sweet voices sounded. I'm working on capturing these on video, but some of these moments are too spur of the moment for that.....

On Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, whenever they need a tool, they call their friend Toodles by saying, "Oh Too-dles." Throughout the day now, you can hear Silas saying, "Oh, Mom-ma" or "Oh, Go-gel". And on a recent trip to the pumpkin patch it became an endearing (and loud!), "Oh, pi-ig!"

99% of the time, when you ask Silas his name, he says, "Momma" and starts laughing. He thinks it's hilarious. I've started singing the song we learned at play school last year that goes, "Tell me what your name is, I wonder if you know. My name is....Silas! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" So, when we sing it, Silas will say, "My name is......Guy-kus!" He's so proud! When we finish the song, he insists, with great enunciation, "Again!" so we sing it again!

Me: "Silas, why did you.....fill in the blank with almost anything (take your shoes off, push Joel, take that train away, etc.)?"
Silas: "Cuz....."

Joel likes to play the "what do the animals eat" game where he asks what a specific animal eats and I tell him. Silas joined in the other day with his broken sentences. "" He's a little obsessed with kangaroos lately.

Today Silas had a toy stuffed rabbit in his hands and David asked him about his bunny. Silas corrected him, "No. Wabbit."

Silas has definitely reached the "I do it myself" stage. (Isn't he a little young for this stage?) Instead of saying "I do it", he says, "Did it", which means he wants to do it all by himself. And if you do it for him (like buckle his high chair or put on his shoes for him) he starts yelling loudly, "DID IT! DID IT!", which means he wants you to undo your last action and let him, you guessed it, do it himself.

If Silas has a stinky diaper and I ask, "Silas, do you have a stinky diaper?", nine times out of ten he'll answer, "No". If I say, "Who has a stinky diaper?" With a great big grin, he exclaims, "ME!"

Silas has started stringing more words together. As he says two words though, he frequently hesitates between the words to create a slightly awkward pause. For example, "Yellow....Car." "Look......Mommy."

After hearing Joel say, "Apple Pie! Mmmm...mmmmm...mmmm!" (See the Jubilant Joel post), Silas started saying, "Apple!  Mmmmm....mmmmm!" He wanted so much to say it like his big brother.

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