Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jubilant Joel

Some of the funny things that Joel is saying these days....

Joel, on our way to Chick-Fil-A when we are slowing down due to traffic, "Momma, I tink we stuck in traffic." (Do you think he's a product of the infamous LA traffic?) And a few days later, when hitting some slower traffic he said, "Momma, I tink tis traffic getting gow (slow)."

If Joel disagrees with your decision on something (and it's out of his control, i.e. while I'm driving), he will tell you, "I tink tis not a good idea."

Joel - "Dadda, where are the moon and the stars?"
David - "I don't know, Joel, I can't see them."
Joel - "Don't worry, Dadda. We'll find them."

EVERY time we drive through a tunnel of any length, Joel reminds us, "Turn the lights on!"
and as we leave the tunnel, "Turn the lights off!"

Joel stuck a small screw into the lock of one our doors and was desperate for me to get it out.
LB - "Joel, I don't think I can get it out."
Joel - "Momma, you can do it. I know you can. You almost there. You doing a great job, Momma."
I finally remove the lock cover and finally pull it out.
Joel - "Momma, you did it. Great job, Momma. I knew you could do it."

One morning, the boys were awake and had been talking in their room for a little while. Silas decided he was ready to get up and said, "Momma, Momma..." a couple of times. Joel said, "Guy-was, let's say, 'Momma' real loud. Ready...1...2...3....MOMMA!" For the record, Silas did not join in, but it sure made me laugh.

Their favorite song these days is "Hi-ho" from Snow White. They love it. We sing all the time...they love to sing the dig-dig-dig parts, the in the mine echos, and of course, hi-ho. They sang it all the way through the check-out lane to the car in the grocery store the other day. It was quite humorous....I'm not sure the other patrons appreciated it as much as I did.

Joel, positioning his legs so that they are crossed, as he leans against the door frame, "Momma, look! I standing like you and Dadda!" I didn't know that we stood like that.....

I brought Joel something to eat for breakfast and he said, "Thanks, Mags!" I asked him to clarify and he said it again, "Thanks, Mags!"  I asked where he heard that and as I suspected, it was from a Saturday morning cartoon that my boys love called Turbo Dogs. Cracked both of us up!

Joel doesn't "forget" something; he "two-gets" it.

When you ask Joel a question that he doesn't know the answer to, he'll say, "I can't know."

I was washing Joel's hands the other day and I said, "Joel, your hands are really dirty." With great inflection and conviction, he said, "I know!"

Nothing gets by Joel. If you are talking about something and doesn't know what, he's not afraid to ask. "Whatchew talkin' bout, Momma?"

One day Becca made an apple pie. Joel overheard her say something about it and said, "Apple Pie! Mmm-mmmm-mmmm!" while he rubbed his belly. He went to bed before we cut into it and was none too happy about it. In his bed he told me, "Momma, those people (some of our guests) gonna eat it all gone." Don't worry; we saved him a piece!


A few of the funny things that Silas has been saying lately. Some of these you probably can't fully appreciate without the sound effects, but I know that in 10 years, all I'll have to do is hear the story and I'll know in my heart how their sweet voices sounded. I'm working on capturing these on video, but some of these moments are too spur of the moment for that.....

On Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, whenever they need a tool, they call their friend Toodles by saying, "Oh Too-dles." Throughout the day now, you can hear Silas saying, "Oh, Mom-ma" or "Oh, Go-gel". And on a recent trip to the pumpkin patch it became an endearing (and loud!), "Oh, pi-ig!"

99% of the time, when you ask Silas his name, he says, "Momma" and starts laughing. He thinks it's hilarious. I've started singing the song we learned at play school last year that goes, "Tell me what your name is, I wonder if you know. My name is....Silas! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!" So, when we sing it, Silas will say, "My name is......Guy-kus!" He's so proud! When we finish the song, he insists, with great enunciation, "Again!" so we sing it again!

Me: "Silas, why did you.....fill in the blank with almost anything (take your shoes off, push Joel, take that train away, etc.)?"
Silas: "Cuz....."

Joel likes to play the "what do the animals eat" game where he asks what a specific animal eats and I tell him. Silas joined in the other day with his broken sentences. "" He's a little obsessed with kangaroos lately.

Today Silas had a toy stuffed rabbit in his hands and David asked him about his bunny. Silas corrected him, "No. Wabbit."

Silas has definitely reached the "I do it myself" stage. (Isn't he a little young for this stage?) Instead of saying "I do it", he says, "Did it", which means he wants to do it all by himself. And if you do it for him (like buckle his high chair or put on his shoes for him) he starts yelling loudly, "DID IT! DID IT!", which means he wants you to undo your last action and let him, you guessed it, do it himself.

If Silas has a stinky diaper and I ask, "Silas, do you have a stinky diaper?", nine times out of ten he'll answer, "No". If I say, "Who has a stinky diaper?" With a great big grin, he exclaims, "ME!"

Silas has started stringing more words together. As he says two words though, he frequently hesitates between the words to create a slightly awkward pause. For example, "Yellow....Car." "Look......Mommy."

After hearing Joel say, "Apple Pie! Mmmm...mmmmm...mmmm!" (See the Jubilant Joel post), Silas started saying, "Apple!  Mmmmm....mmmmm!" He wanted so much to say it like his big brother.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Forbidden Fruit

A quick tale….

It all started a few weeks ago when one morning, the boys mysteriously disappeared. The house was eerily quiet, which in this house usually equals trouble. Suddenly, I heard the undeniable crinkle of a bag of chips.....under Silas' bed! I went in, lifted the bed skirt, and oh yes, there were the two adorable munchkins chomping down on some off-limits tortilla chips. I could hardly keep from laughing but tried to be as stern as possible. Did I mention it was like 9:00 in the morning?

Since that day, we have found them eating donuts (stolen off the table, Silas chose a cake or old-fashioned and Joel went with the ever popular iced with sprinkles), potato chips, graham crackers, veggie chips, goldfish, strawberries (that were apparently there from before David left for work until after their naps), and grapes.

So the moral of this story is….if you can’t find the Moore boys or you’re missing some food, look under the bed.
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