Friday, February 4, 2011

Live Moore Life...Camping, August 2010

Last August we went on our first overnight camping trip. Becca and I drove up early Friday afternoon with Joel, Silas and Evie to meet Joey, Katie and Eli, who went up early to get a campsite reserved. On the drive up, we saw some of the damage done by the Station Fire a year ago. Joel was really interested to know what happened to all those trees so we got to talk a little about fire safety! On our first walk down from the car to the camp site, I saw a sign with a huge picture of a rattlesnake, warning campers that they had been sited in the area. Great. My worst fear! David and Andrew arrived a short time after us. The boys got all the tents setup and we started dinner. We had a yummy dinner and then we started trying to get the kids to bed. Evie and Eli were great and went to sleep pretty quickly. Joel and Silas...not so much. We had the portable dvd player so we set that up, hoping they would fall asleep watching the movie. Around midnight we finally loaded them up and took them for a drive through the mountains. That finally did the trick! We got them back in the tent and we slept in a big pile to stay warm through the night. Saturday morning we woke up, cooked a yummy breakfast, washed dishes and headed out on a hike to the falls. The boys LOVED this. What an adventure! It was pretty warm, but definitely the highlight of the trip for me. We loaded up soon after our return to the campsite and headed home. We took a different way back through Wrightwood and saw some different scenery. After stopping at Chick-Fil-A for dinner, we made it home!

The LB verdict: I like camping during the's going into the dirty tent and trying to sleep on the hard ground that I would rather avoid. I would go camping again, especially with these experienced campers, but only because I love my boys. :)

I took a few pictures but somehow I missed getting a picture of our tent and of Joey! Both were definitely there and a big part of our camping experience!

Chopping wood with Andrew....Joel LOVED this!

A yummy breakfast!

Joel and Silas digging the blueberries

   At the waterfall with Daddy

Katie with Eli....Andrew and Evie

Silas snacking, as usual

Andrew felt sorry for my aching arms and carried Silas toward the end of the hike back. 
And then, Silas crashed!

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