Thursday, February 10, 2011

Live Moore Life...Thanksgiving

We (along with the Wrights) hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. We were so sad to miss seeing all of our family in Texas and to miss seeing the Saints' win over the Cowboys live at Jerry-world! Thankfully we have an incredible group of friends, who we basically consider family, with whom we could celebrate! For dinner we hosted 15 adults and 7 kids, all 3 and under. Lots. of. people! On Wednesday night, Becca and I set the table. We went through several long table, two or three separate tables, a T-shaped table and finally pushed 5 tables of varying sizes together in just the right way to create one giant table! It only took us about 2 hours to figure it all out. I think all those years of playing Tetris on the way to UT games paid off, Dad. It was big but so great. I loved having everyone in one big circle where you could see everyone and have great conversations. The food was amazing, of course, as everyone pitched in their special dishes. What a great night of giving thanks for all our blessings!

The feast and fellowship!

Our family*
*picture by KDR
The day after Thanksgiving was our church's annual Turkey Bowl. It's a flag football tournament and it's so much fun! Kim V graciously arranged for to have Kailey meet us there to watch the boys so both David and I could participate. I ended up being a co-captain for a team but David was stealthily chosen for a different team before we could pick him! And of course, our teams played each other in the first game. David's team won. The boys had a blast playing with Kailey and the entire Villa family. What a fun day!

Silas being silly with Kailey*


 Silas and Lizzy....worn out!*

Go deep! Go deep!*
*pictures from KVilla

On Saturday we thought it would be fun to take a family hike to some local waterfalls. We started out ok and the boys loved exploring everything....the rocks, the sticks, the rivers, etc. This specific trail had quite a few stream crossovers so David and I ended up carrying the boys a good portion of the way.

Hi-ho! Hi-ho! It's on a hike we go!

Leaves were a big hit on this particular day.


Are you coming?

Snacks are a must on the trail.

On the way back, we were crossing the stream again. David was carrying Joel and I had Silas. David's foot slipped and he fell into the water. He did a pretty amazing job of catching himself and keeping Joel mostly dry, but his leg took the brunt of the fall. Yikes! David got to the other side and I hurried to get across and check on them. In almost the same spot, I went crashing down too! Thankfully, I was didn't land on the same rock, and Silas and I were ok. Unfortunately, this was right after we left the falls so we still had most of the hike left to get back to the car!

When David and I both fell, we must have said to each other, "Are you ok? Are you ok?" because for the rest of the hike (most of which I was carrying Silas), anytime David or I slipped or lost our footing, even just slightly, Silas would say, "Ok? Ok, Mommy? Ok?" until I responded that yes, I was ok. It was really funny!

Evidence of the fall

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